Suprema BSL2-OE BioStation L2 -EM Live Finger Detection
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Suprema BSL2-OE BioStation L2 -EM Live Finger Detection
- Suprema BEP2-OA BioEntry P2 -MIFARE Fingerprint reader/controller
- Suprema BEP2-OD BioEntry P2 -EM Fingerprint reader/controller
- Suprema BLN2-PAB BioLite N2 -EM-HID Prox Fingerprint reader/controller
- Suprema BLN2-ODB BioLite N2 -MIFARE Fingerprint reader/controller
- Suprema BSL2-OM BioStation L2 -MIFARE Fingerprint reader/controller
- Suprema FS2-AWB Face Recognition MultiCLASS SE and Dual RFID
Fingerprint reader/controller, RFID(125kHz EM), Optical Sensor(OP6), Live Finger Detection.
Suprema BioStation L2 is an essential fingerprint terminal that provides comprehensive access control and time attendance features based on Suprema's next generation biometric technology and security platform.